Sunday, June 14, 2009

I donated this quilt for a benefit for some friends' granddaughters' education fund. I was absolutely flabbergasted when my friend told me it brought $550. I'm so glad it brought that much and I'm flattered two people wanted it enough to bid it up that high. WOW!!!!

I hand pieced it about ten years ago because I had to hand piece at least one quilt to get hand piecing out of my system. It's either a small double bed quilt or a large twin size quilt.

I have no idea the name of the pattern. It just seemed like a good idea.


bettinag1 said...

congratulations that is wonderful that your quilt was liked so much

keep up the great work

Dawn said...

I can see why it garnered so much attention, it is lovely and a very patriotic choice of colors. I believe the pattern is called Seven Sisters.

Hand piecing -- I think whomever bought it got quite a bargain!!!


Carole said...

Congratulations... hand-pieced quilts are nearing a thing of the past.
Way to go!!

His Office, My Studio said...

Congratulations!! Your quilt is outstanding and you should be very proud.